Welcome to the General Engineering Program!
General Engineering (GENE) is a degree program where engineering students create their own curricula to match their interests or career objectives.
GENE Program Office
- Mailing Address: 1 Grand Ave, 13-263, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
- Campus Location: Building 13, Room 263
- Phone: 805-756-6339
- Email: gene@calpoly.edu
Contacting the Director of General Engineering:
- Director: Dr. Lizabeth Thompson
- Campus Location: Building 13, Room 263A
- Email: lschleme@calpoly.edu
- Office Phone: 805-756-2183
- Cell Phone: 805-260-4904
- In–person Student Office Hours (Spring 2022): Tuesday 12pm-2pm
- Virtual Office Hours (Spring 2022): Wednesday 11am-1pm https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/2582701469
- GENE Tea-Time: Monday 3:10-4:00 in Liz’s officeO
Although we are looking forward to being in person, the situation with COVID changes rapidly. Please see this link to the university’s up to date information. https://coronavirus.calpoly.edu/